Order Description
Visit the World Economic Freedom Level site.
Click on Graph the data: Create a Comparison Graph (see example in attached document below). You can compare as many as three countries.
Compare the Economic freedom scores of
your country(Spain)
any other country that has been studied by one of your colleagues in this class
the United States.
Create a sales pitch for “Spain” using the data from the comparison graph. Your objective is to attract “foreign investment” to your country. Basically you have to tell the class why your country is good for business. Feel free to use any medium you like. You can write, record with the webcam, use pictures/videos, emoticons, mashups, printscreen images.


Order Description
Visit the World Economic Freedom Level site.
Click on Graph the data: Create a Comparison Graph (see example in attached document below). You can compare as many as three countries.
Compare the Economic freedom scores of
your country(Spain)
any other country that has been studied by one of your colleagues in this class
the United States.
Create a sales pitch for “Spain” using the data from the comparison graph. Your objective is to attract “foreign investment” to your country. Basically you have to tell the class why your country is good for business. Feel free to use any medium you like. You can write, record with the webcam, use pictures/videos, emoticons, mashups, printscreen images.